an idea blog | DABBLING BROOKE
Living to learn. Learning for fun.
Hi! I'm Brooke. I am married to the love of my life, Tripp, and a full-time stay at home mom of three little boys--Declan, Everett, and Wade. I'm also a wound, skin, ostomy nurse on the weekends. I live with my family in rural Georgia, where we like to play outside all day long.
Dabbling Brooke began in 2017 as a passion project for my husband and I. We had several homesteading DIYs on the horizon and felt it was the perfect time to start a little family blog. Unfortunately (actually, very fortunately), I got extremely sick in the middle of our first big project. A few pregnancy tests later and we knew that our rainbow baby Everett was on the way. As life took over, we put Dabbling Brooke on hold and eventually forgot about it altogether.
A few years later I found myself in the midst of an identity crisis. I'm Mom to my boys, Wife to my husband, and Nurse to my patients, but I was giving myself very little time to just be Brooke. I've been a do-er for others my entire life, to the point where putting myself last felt normal. But the lack of self care and not ever giving myself time to recharge began to eat away at my happiness. Once I realized that I can't give from an empty cup, I knew something had to change. I began searching for a hobby, a skill, a talent--anything that I could do to help find myself. A me-thing, if you will. But what would I do? All of it.
Over the past couple of years, I began teaching myself to crochet, knit, paint, graft fruit trees, raise honeybees, play the piano, write children's books, and on and on (and on and on). I decided to dust off the old blog so I'd have a place to keep up with it all.
So Dabbling Brooke is back and better than ever! I hope you like it here.