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Welcome! I'm so glad you're here!

Before we continue, there are a few things I need to address.

1. I'm not a professional writer or photographer. All of my pictures are taken and edited on my iPhone. I usually only proofread after I've posted something. Sometimes I don't proofread at all.


2. I will not exploit my kids for attention. I will talk about my kids here, but I will not post anything that they will resent me for when they get to their teenage years. I take their privacy seriously.


3. My home is not a Pinterest home. The entire house is never clean all at the same time. There is always a basket of laundry that I will have to smell to know if it is clean or dirty. I painted our living room myself and I did a terrible job. There is glittery fingernail polish all over the pool table. It is what it is and I won't pretend like it's something it's not.


4. I will not give parenting advice. I'm three kids in and still just winging it.


5. I am not a gourmet chef or a nutritionist. I cook with what we have in a way that my kids (hopefully) will eat.


6. As of right now I am not linking my social media accounts to this blog. I have a love/hate relationship with social media and I would like this blog to stand on its own. Plus, my socials will never not be private.


7. I do not intend for this to be a how-to blog but more of an idea blog. I probably won't type out intricate instructions for most things. Let me inspire you to try something and then YOU go figure it out for yourself. It's more satisfying that way, anyway.


8. There are times and places for politics and religion. This is neither. I don't care who you are or what you believe. We don't have to be the same to be friends.


9. I do use affiliate links but it's more of an experiment than anything right now. If you do purchase something through an affiliate link, I may receive a small commission. This costs you nothing extra.


10. I do not take myself very seriously and laugh at myself daily. Please do not think I hate myself, my life, or my family if I make a joke that can be interpreted in a negative way. It's never that serious over here.


11. I have no idea what the "subscribe" button does. I haven't gotten that far yet. I'm afraid to delete it because I won't know how to put it back. You can still subscribe! One of these days I'll figure it out.


Thank you for reading! 

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