Just because I have all male children doesn't mean we can't play dress-up. In fact, the photo shoot from my very first post began as me playing dress up with my boys. They donned various capes while I wore my wedding dress (of course it fit perfectly after seven years and three kids, why do you ask?) and an Indiana Jones hat.
My boys have amassed an impressive collection of dress-up clothes ranging from a Melissa and Doug train conductors and construction workers, to Wal-Mart's day after Halloween clearance Transformers, with a few homecoming week DIY hippie vests thrown in for good measure. My favorites are their cute little super hero capes. It's classic little boyhood at its most innocent.
While we were playing out in the yard over the weekend, I had an idea to clip vines off of our leafy wisteria shrub and braid them into crowns for the boys. They turned out adorably—still fun and whimsical, but more suited for little boys than the classic flower crown.
They weren't super sturdy and were too big for their little heads, but look how cute!! The boys loved them and did a great job showing me how fast they can run in their capes and crowns.
I'm painfully aware that the days of little boys running around the yard in superhero capes are numbered. And with that knowledge, I’ll tag along for their little adventures (wedding dress and all) for as long as they’ll have me.
These really are the days.