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Writer's pictureBrooke

Easy Bread and Butter Tomato Pickles

Updated: Jun 17, 2021

Okay, I cheated a little with these. I used a pickling packet from the canning section at Wal-Mart. I know, I know--it beats the entire purpose of this blog. But I'm not mad about it. It was super easy and made my kitchen smell like heaven. Plus, one packet gave me twelve whole pints of green tomato pickles.

I didn't set out to take the easy route with this one, but for some reason there is a serious shortage of canning supplies where I live. I haven't been able to find canning salt anywhere for weeks. Canning lids seem to be a hot commodity as well. Suppliers need to get it together. Did we not learn anything from the toilet paper crisis of 2020? But anyways, the salt used to make these dilled tomato pickles, Granny Alice already had on hand. I'm glad she did, because zero tomato pickles would have been canned that night otherwise.

But while I was searching for salt on the canning aisle for the umpteenth time, I noticed a packet for bread and butter pickles. Cucumber pickles. But at the low, low price of $2.79, I decided it was an experiment worth not letting my tomatoes go to waste. The only other ingredients needed were things I had anyway: tomatoes (instead of the cucumbers), vinegar, and sugar.

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